Envision Inclusion Part II

Post-Launch Redesign

Mobile and web displays of the new talent network feature

Company Overview

A woman of color-led DEI consulting firm needs to launch their web presence from scratch in order to attract new clients and build a diverse network.  This requires responsive web design, branding, subscription options, testimonials, and social proof.

Purple icon of a screwdriver and wrench


  • Figma, Material Design, Squarespace, Mailchimp, Canva, Hotjar
  • Google Forms, Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Analytics
  • HTML, CSS, Responsive Web Design
Purple icon of a group of three people


  • Daniel Sharp - UX Designer
  • Rachel Schmitz - Senior Product Designer
  • Mariah Gonzales, Gloria Dallas, Yemi Belachew - Co-founders


  • Daniel - Surveys, Research, Wireframes, Prototyping
  • Rachel - Brand Identity Workshops
  • Mariah, Gloria, Yemi - Business Strategy, Copywriting, Social Media

Talent Network

Our ideal goal would be to be able to match individuals from our talent network with open positions at our client companies.

Call to action for talent network with an illustration of a happy looking couple

Talent Network Form

Building this talent source saved our recruiters time and energy

We were also interested in demographic data from our users. When a client is hiring a recruiter focused on diversity, they want to know what tactics you take and how diverse your network is.

It was important that we start to gather the demographic breakdown of our talent network from the beginning. We added the demographic questions as an optional field with a disclaimer in case someone did not feel comfortable sharing this data.

Form with illustrator of founders for signing up to talent net work

Qualitative Data

In order to gain insight into how our website was being used, I recorded screen sessions of authentic site visits.  I created Hotjar and Google Analytics accounts and installed the code into our site.

Hotjar Recordings

This was in preparation for some initial traffic from Instagram posts which linked folks to our site’s blog section.  The session recordings I identified in Hotjar started from Instagram to our blog. I reviewed many recordings of these sessions which revealed how our site was being used.

Hotjar recording of a user power scrolling down to the footer and clicking our Twitter social media link

Recording of a user scrolling down to the footer and pausing before scrolling back up

Footer Redesign

In reviewing these Hotjar sessions, I realized I had neglected to design our site’s footer more thoughtfully.  More users were power scrolling down to the footer and attempting to click footer links or view our social media accounts than I had expected. I redesigned the footer in Figma, incorporated the brand colors, and presented to the team before implementing the redesign on our site.

Women mobile screens with an improved footer for accessibility


Once we ironed out the core functionality of the website we thought about what could be improved

We still needed official brands backing Envision Inclusion to list on the website as social proof.  The co-founders were beginning their first contracts and working towards earning trust from companies.

What could we leverage as social proof while we earn the stamps of official companies to display on the site? The cofounders of EI set out to gather a quote from the CEO of the company where they had all previously worked.

talent community form with inputs for demographic data
landing page with quote from a client company executive

Landing Page

The quote was detailed and much longer than the space allotted in the wireframe I had provided to the team.  They insisted that the full quote be used.  I had to get creative in how I distributed the quote across the landing page and "Learn More" pages.

I took the two most powerful sentences and incorporated them into a testimonial on the landing page. When a customer visits our website for the first time I wanted to avoid the immediate cognitive overload of a multi-paragraph explanation of the service benefits.

‘Learn More’ Testimonials

There was an opportunity to provide another piece of the heartfelt in-depth quote on the "Learn More" pages. I decided to keep the design relatively simple with a light drop shadow and quote symbol following our color palette.  The other paragraph I included on a separate “Learn More” page, varying the color on the quote symbol.

Screenshots of the learn more pages for recruiting and comprehensive audits

Form Submissions

Example form submissions from companies which led to contracts

Form submission that led to a contract from someone who enjoyed a workshop and visited the websiteAnother form submission of an education technology company through our website that lead to a contract


The redesign changes led to some exciting milestones for the Envision team

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Message Daniel