Side Projects

I've designed across a mix of mediums from prototyping with Arduino using C++, 3D printing, laser cutting, cardboard, using sound, and physical form. I've tackled some unique contract gigs as well. These projects have expanded my UX horizons.

Thumbnail of Demographic data dashboard integrated into the triple bite screen product

Bright Hero

Interactive Toy (2023)

BrightHero is a kit and customizable device that helps young children recognize and talk about different emotions using color and sound. A parent and child create a character together and then use its built-in emotion thermometer to convey the child’s emotion.

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Thumbnail of Demographic data dashboard integrated into the triple bite screen product


Talkative Touch-Sense Coffee Table (2022)

What happens when the iOT devices in our homes develop a deeper understanding of their surroundings and become opinionated?  I programmed this interactive cowboy coffee table to sense various objects and communicate with text using Arduino.

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Thumbnail of Demographic data dashboard integrated into the triple bite screen product


Design Research for Game Masters (2022)

Missing features in online TTRPG make simulating in-person role-playing more difficult. GMs and players share similar challenges, but GMs need to prepare the game and manage social dynamics. Based on our findings, we created a paper prototype with a highlight summary feature for GMs.

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Thumbnail of Demographic data dashboard integrated into the triple bite screen product

Logo Design

A case study outlining my logo design process for a women of color-led tech company.

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Thumbnail of EnVision inclusion homepage containing diverse group of people

Envision Inclusion

A two-part case study on launching the web presence of a women of color-led consulting firm from scratch.

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Thumbnail of the lean crew mobile iOS app. User flow of Selecting a team to work out against and winning the competition

Lean Crew

A mobile app for working out with friends remotely with minimal equipment.

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